James V. Archenemy 2447 Rockford Mountain Lane Durham, NC 27713 Phone – 234-593-3290 Email id – xxxxxxxxx.com OBJECTIVE Human Resources and Office Specialist RELOCATE DC OBJECTIVE To secure responsible position that will challenge my abilities allowing me to fully utilize my problem solving, organizational, customer service and communication skills. PROFILE Well qualified Professional. Experienced in fast paced environments that depend on efficiency and accuracy. Exceptionally competent. Self-starter with strong Human Resources background. Recipient of American Bankers Association coveted O ……此处隐藏1490个字……-December 1992 Business Specialist TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Basic Supervision, Business Writing, Dale Carnegie-Effective Speaking & Human Relations, Time Management, Speed-Reading, Stress Management, Myers Briggs, Interviewing People, Management Skills, Project Management, Medical Terminology, Telemarketing, CPR Certification, SHRM -Professional Membership COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Suite, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, WordPerfect 6.1, Lotus Notes, HTML/Web Site Design, HRIS Systems, Database Management Systems, PDS/Client Server Professional References Available Upon Request RICHARD ANDERSON, 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Also see: HR Specialist Resume