At this point, I don't know what I'd say about Saving Private Ryan, even if I hadn't liked it.
Undoubtedly this year's hype leader among 'quality' pictures, Ryan hasn't garnered a word of bad buzz aside from the stern and dire warnings about its overwhelming violence content.
It's no lie: Ryan may be one of the goriest films ever made - it will certainly be the goriest to ever win an Oscar (which will come in droves: I predict seven).
An excellent companion piece to Schindler's List, Spielberg has obviously poured ……此处隐藏349个字……isplacing air through water as it hits the soldier next to you.
The blood mushrooms, cloudlike, out of his chest you break surface for air.
Bodies litter the beach.
The noise is so intense you can't hear battle orders you see coming from the moving lips of your captain.
A soldier next to you makes the mistake of taking off his helmet, to see where the bullet ricocheted off of it.
Bodies pop open like overripe melons, and this is just the beginning.
When your ears have cleared the water, the explosions all around you make you deaf.
By the end of the flick, there will be a ringing in your ears -- all mixed into the soundtrack, which is exceptional.