
时间:2023-01-14 12:56:28


  One of the most important things to have when you're job hunting is a killer résumé. After all, if your CV doesn't pass muster, you won't even get a chance to meet face-to-face and let potential employers know why you're the right person for the job. Here are some details you should remove from your résumé:   当你在找工作的时候最重要的东西之一莫过于一份具备杀伤力的简历。然而,要是你的简历都没通过初审,那你就根本没机会一对一地让招聘者知道为什么你是最适合这份工作的。以下是一些你应该从简历中删去的东西。   Middle and high school information. If you've gone through college, you usually don't need to add your high school information, particularly if you're way past the graduation date. Middle school references are a ……此处隐藏896个字……以写的时候还是小心点吧。大部分时候,保持中立是最好的。当然,你也许根本不想去一家和你的信仰相悖的公司工作,所以是否提及这些话题也是你自行选择的。   More pages. The general rule of thumb with résumés is to keep it to a page. Two pages should be the maximum amount of pages you should have, and it should only be that length when you're applying for very senior-level positions. Keeping it short will help you pull out the most impressive achievements and leave the irrelevant ones in the dust.   多于一页。做简历的基本规则是保持在一页内,两页是最高限制了,而且也只有当你申请高级职位时才可以用。精简简历可以帮助你把那些最令人印象深刻的成就留下来,而把那些不相关的东西删掉。   Of course, there are always exceptions to the points mentioned above. Always carefully consider your own situation and consult other people to see what works best for you.   当然,以上提到的几点总是有例外的。你应该仔细想想你所处的情况,再问问别人的意见,这样才能知道怎样的简历是最适合你的。
