Donald Jobs
No.67,Lane 123,Job Rd.Job District
Shanghai 200070
(+86) 138-0013-8000
Objective Summer internship in Chemical Engineering
Education University of Job,Shanghai
B.S. Chemical Engineering Chemistry Minor May 2008
Relevant Chemical Process Analysis Environmental Biotechnology
Course Thermodynamics Chemical Kinetics & Reaction Engineering
Process Fluid Mechanics Heat and Mass Transfer
Process Control Separation Processes
Technical Communication Air Pollutant Emissions and Control
Skills Lab equipment: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Gas Chromatography,
Supercritical Fluid Extraction, and Ion Chromatography
Computer: MS-DOS/Windows and Macintosh applications including Microsoft
Office,WordPerfect, Cricket Graph, Kaleidagraph, and Mathcad; FORTRAN programming
Others: Strong analytical and problem-solving techniques, excellent
communication skills,and ability to work successfully both in groups and independently
Related University of Job,Shanghai,Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S)
Experience Strawberry Creek Management Intern Jan. 2011 - present
• Assess water pollution sources in Strawberry Creek Watershed using physical parameter andsurface water chemistry measurements
• Develop a water quality monitoring plan, applying environmental regulatory compliance and urban creek restoration methodologies
• Prepare a written report documenting assessment
• Attend EH&S project management and implementation meetings
College of Chemistry
Instrument Technician for Environmental Chemistry Aug. 2011 - present
• Trained to use Perkin-Elmer 3100 atomic absorption spectrometer, Dionex, Basic IonChromatography Module DX-300 series, Perkin-Elmer Autosystem Gas, Chromatograph,and Hewlett-Packard 7680T SFE Module
• Demonstrate and explain instruments to students
• Prepare laboratory demonstrations and chemical standards
College of Chemistry
Lab Assistant Jan. 2010-Aug. 2010
• Assisted in development of water quality and led remediation experiments
• Obtained and analyzed water and soil fi eld samples
• Performed contamination-free analytical chemistry and prepared standards
• Performed extensive library research
Additional Fatapple’s Restaurant and Bakery Shanghai
Experience Waitress, Host/Busser, Cashier Sept. 2010 - present