The classmates:
The Yellow River is the second longest in China, the total length of 5464 km, from the source of a trickle, collected more than 40 major tributaries of the river along the hundreds of thousands of the stream, form each year an average of 48 billion cubic meters of water flood, moistens the land and feed the people of all ethnic groups, to write the journey of Chinese five thousand years of history, established a well-known landmark, is the cradle of one billion three hundred million Chinese people.
Perhaps as we head high into the new century, mother river is lamenting that "time is not a person", with tears of face, hurriedly retired the history of splendid palace. Yes, we owe you too much, mother river! When you are proud, the yellow sand falls from the sky and unmercifully intrudes into your pure humoral. The verdant trees, with the sound of "sizzle", fell in rows in your cry, and the iron hoofs of the giant machine were not in your power. "What about the lovely creatures in my body?" You ask, when we fill in the old tree of history, "the creatures have left alone in the river", do you carry our pain?
"Should I quit this world?" You face the world with a bitter smile. "No, no, no! Don't! You will stay young forever! This is our firm voice.
Therefore, I propose the following initiatives:
1. Pay attention to the propaganda of "thought" and formulate the environmental protection constitution to make the idea of protecting the environment take root in every person's heart.
2. The higher authorities can set "green bags" at each "pass" to facilitate garbage disposal.
3. Can cultivate the elite of afforestation, go to the Yangtze river to carry out "green" plan, undertake garden planting.
也许在我们昂首挺胸跨入新世纪时,母亲河正感叹“岁月不饶人” ,以泪洗面,匆匆告退历史金碧辉煌的殿堂。是的,我们亏欠你太多了,母亲河!再你春风得意之时,滚滚黄沙从天而降,无情地侵入了你纯洁的体液里;青翠的树木呀,伴着“嗞嗞”的切除声,在您的哭诉中一排排地倒下,巨大机械的铁蹄对您不住蹂躏。“我体内可爱的生灵们呢?”您问,当我们在历史的大树中填上“生灵们已在大河中孤独地离去”这样一笔,您是否背着我们痛苦流涕?